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Selasa, 06 September 2016

How To Treat Ambeien Naturally!

VIAHEALTH - In this article I will share information about disease ambeien include, what is ambeien? What causes disease ambeien? How do I prevent ambeien? and if you already suffer from diseases ambeien, you can also read this article until it is completed. Because in this article I will share the healing of disease solutions ambeien insyaalloh can be beneficial. But before we discuss ambeien disease further, should we discuss about what is ambeien? For more details, yuk we read further!

A. What is Ambeien?

Ambeien is a disease that occurs in the rectum organ where Sphinchter Ani (anus lips), experienced swelling that sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Ambeien can be classified into two there are the so-called internal and external ambeien ambeien.

  • Internal Ambeien

Internal Ambeien i.e. onset swelling of the inside of the anus (rectum), so we will not be able to see or a hand. This internal Ambeien does not cause pain because nerves in the rectum bucharesters. Ambeien is usually characterized by the presence of blood at the time of defecation. However, it doesn't hurt doesn't mean harmless, because if this internal ambeien enlarges it will come out toward the lip of anus and this will cause pain. After having healed, ambeien this will go on its own, but we can also push it into.

  • External Ambeien

External Ambeien is a kind of disease that occurs in the mouth ambeien anus that can cause pain, burning, and itching. If the ambeien pushed out by the stool, then it may result in clotting (thrombosis), and thus ambeien will change to blue-violet.

Source: wikipedia

B. Causes Of Occurrence Of Diseases Ambeien/Hemorrhoids?

There are several factors cause the occurrence of disease ambeien. What is it? yuk we refer to some of the causes of the occurrence of penyakita ambeien hemorrhoids:

  1. Often sit for too long.
  2. The activity of the Sex that is not uncommon.
  3. Less exercise.
  4. Chronical diarrhoea.
  5. Chronically constipated.
  6. Genetic or hereditary.

In addition to the factors already mentioned above cause, there are still other factors that can lead to hemorrhoids, ambeien or because of obesity, and pregnancy. Alasanya namely because during pregnancy, the pressure of the fetus in the abdomen and hormonal changes will cause the hemorrhoidal vessels on enlargement. For that let us do prevention. Then how do I prevent the occurrence of disease ambeien?

C. Ambeien Early Symptoms?

Early symptoms of hemorrhoids or ambeien is usually characterized by discharge of blood, especially during defecation, and jia membeiarkan sufferers of this disease is getting old, he is going to lose a lot of blood or even he will need a blood transfusion to replace blood is wasted at the time of defecation.

If the surface of the protruding anus Ambeien maybe you should put it back using your hands slowly or by allowing entry by itself. If this is already bloated, ambeien then you will experience pain when ambeien you have friction.

Sometimes ambeien can also menyabakan the discharge of mucus and make you feel that there are still contents that have not been issued. Then your stomach will feel want broke out due to too much stool that is stuck due to mengalamai you afraid of pain during defecation.

The symptoms can also be ambeien is characterized by the presence of itching in the anal. Itching in the anal cleansing occurred because the anus is hampered by the swelling anus itself so that it can cause small particles of feces that would accumulate on the skin of the perianal and worked as an irritant. Well, this could potentially be an irritant to cancer if not treated. To the already suffering disease 2nd ambeien stadium usually will also feel the pain at the hands of the lower part of the bone. For as one of the preventive measures you should also know some of the causes of the occurrence of disease this ambeien.

D. How To Prevent Diseases Ambeien

The best way that we can do to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids i.e. ambeien/by doing a healthy life pattern, keeping conditions in order to keep stools soft so they can be more easily excreted, so that will reduce the pressure and tension in the organs of the anus. Never hold to defecate, if you feel like to defecate, thou defecation. In addition we can also do sports, including a small running/jogging. But if you've been affected by this disease, making you can immediately melakuakn tradisinal treatment steps in advance, the trick is as follows:

E. how to treat it naturally and traditional Ambeien

If you're making any illness ambeien, immediately perform the treatment. And if you don't know how, you can perform the following ambeien tips to treat:

  • Applying The Pattern Of Healthy Living
Applying the pattern of healthy living, healthy habits do, pay attention to a healthy diet, enough sleep, exercising due diligent exercise can improve metabolic processes of the body. You can also reproduce the consumption of foods that contain lots of fiber because of the bermnaftaan to keep the digestive tract so that it will facilitate defecation.

  • Use The Mangosteen Rind
Is already a public secret that mangosteen has many skin benefits of which are such as to cure cancer, eyes low vision penakit etc. In addition the mangosteen rind turns out can also help treat diseases ambeien. The trick is pretty easy by boiling dried mangosteen rind in water sparingly until boiling, then you strain it and take the water for you to drink.

  • Expand Drinking Water White
We know that one of the causes of the incidence of the disease is due to metabolic processes ambeien interrupted, and constipation. This is because of a lack of fluids. Thus meperbanyak mimum water can be used as a way to treat disease ambeien. And I think this way is the easiest way for you to do
Do these three tips above on a regular basis until your hemorrhoids disease totally cured. Once again I remind, cure diseases by means of natural/traditional different with magic or sorcery. So keep the process, determination, effort and a strong intention to achieve the expected results.

OK IT'S HER WAY of TREATING AMBIENT in NATURE that can you can try at home